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How to Make Loose Leaf Tea Without an Infuser

There are several ways to brew tea in a pinch. If you find yourself without any tea making equipment like an infuser or a french press, there’s no need to panic. You have options.

In this guide, we’ll go over 3 easy methods to brew tea without any proper teaware.

Method #1: The Mesh Strainer Or Sieve Method

In place of an infuser, you can use a mesh strainer or sieve.

What you'll need:

  • Strainer or sieve
  • Tea leaves
  • Teaspoon or scoop
  • Pot or kettle to boil water
  • Fresh water (preferably filtered)
  • A cup

The Mesh Strainer or Sieve Method - Instructions

  1. Add the tea leaves.
    Measure 1 rounded teaspoon (~2 grams) of tea leaves per 1 cup (8 ounces) of water to equal 1 cup of tea. Pour the leaves into your cup.

  2. Add the water.
    Add boiling or hot water to the cup. Follow instructions on your tea packaging for recommended water temperature. (Find general water temps

  3. Steep the tea.
    If you have a plate, use it to cover the mug while the tea steeps. If not, that’s ok. Allow the leaves to expand as you steep for the recommended time. Follow instructions on your tea packaging. (Find general steep times

  4. Pour the tea.
    Hold a strainer or sieve over your cup as you pour the tea into it from the mug. At the right angle, with a gentle pour, this shouldn’t cause a mess, but you can strain it over the sink just in case.

  5. Enjoy multiple steeps.
    Reuse the tea leaves for multiple re-steeps and discover new and exciting flavors in a 2nd or 3rd cup and beyond! Simply add water again (Step 2) and increase your steep time by 30 seconds-1 minute for each subsequent infusion.

Method #2: The Spoon, Fork, Or Plate Method

In place of an infuser or strainer, a (preferably slotted) spoon or fork or even a plate can get the job done.

What you'll need:

  • Spoon, fork, or plate
  • Tea leaves
  • Teaspoon or scoop
  • Pot or kettle to boil water
  • Fresh water (preferably filtered)
  • A cup

The Spoon, Fork, or Plate Method - Instructions

  1. Add the tea leaves.
    Measure 1 rounded teaspoon (~2 grams) of tea leaves per 1 cup (8 ounces) of water to equal 1 cup of tea.

  2. Add the water.
    Add boiling or hot water to the mug. Follow instructions on your tea packaging for recommended water temperature. (Find general water temps

  3. Steep the tea.
    If you have a plate, use it to cover the mug while the tea steeps. If not, that’s ok. Allow the leaves to expand as you steep for the recommended time. Follow instructions on your tea packaging. (Find general steep times

  4. Pour the tea.
    Hold a spoon, fork, or small plate against the rim of the mug to strain the tea into your cup. At the right angle, with a gentle pour, this shouldn’t cause a mess, but you can strain it over the sink just in case.

  5. Enjoy multiple steeps.
    Reuse the tea leaves for multiple re-steeps and discover new and exciting flavors in a 2nd or 3rd cup and beyond! Simply add water again (Step 2) and increase your steep time by 30 seconds-1 minute for each subsequent infusion.

Method #3: The Double Cup Method

In place of an infuser or strainer, you can use a cup and two mugs to strain the tea.

What you'll need:

  • Two mugs

  • Tea leaves

  • Teaspoon or scoop

  • Pot or kettle to boil water

  • Fresh water (preferably filtered)

  • A cup

The Double Cup Method - Instructions

  1. Add the tea leaves.
    Measure 1 rounded teaspoon (~2 grams) of tea leaves per 1 cup (8 ounces) of water to equal 1 cup of tea. Pour the leaves into one mug.

  2. Add the water.
    Add boiling or hot water to the mug. Follow instructions on your tea packaging for recommended water temperature. (Find general water temps

  3. Steep the tea.
    If you have a plate, use it to cover the mug while the tea steeps. If not, that’s ok. Allow the leaves to expand as you steep for the recommended time. Follow instructions on your tea packaging. (Find general steep times here.)

  4. Pour the tea.
    Using a cup as a strainer, gently place the cup partially into the first mug as you carefully pour the tea into your second mug. The cup will block the tea leaves from pouring into your drinking mug. At the right angle, with a gentle pour, this shouldn’t cause a mess, but you can strain it over the sink just in case.

  5. Enjoy multiple steeps.
    Reuse the tea leaves for multiple re-steeps and discover new and exciting flavors in a 2nd or 3rd cup and beyond! Simply add water again (Step 2) and increase your steep time by 30 seconds-1 minute for each subsequent infusion.

The Takeaway: In A Pinch, You Don’t Need Any Teaware At All

Given the choice, we prefer to brew our tea with a french press or a large teapot with a built-in strainer or infuser. But it's nice to know that in a jam, there are easy ways to steep a delicious cup of tea no matter what!